1) Create a directory on the file system and let Oracle know about it.
a) [bash assumed]: mkdir /home/oracle/data_dmp
b) [in sqlplus]: create directory data_dmp as '/home/oracle/data_dmp';
grant read,write on directory DATA_DMP to myschema;
2) Export schema to file:
expdp myschema/**** dumpfile=myschema.dmp logfile=myschema.exp schemas=myschema directory=data_dmp
[I created user in SQL Developer and granted all because I'm lazy and want it done fast.]
Crossed out because Step 4 below will actually create the user for you!
4) Import!
impdp myschema/**** directory=data_dmp dumpfile=myschema.dmp logfile=myschema.imp remap_schema='MYSCHEMA':'DELME'