Monday, August 24, 2020

What does Postgres do better than MySQL?

Here's a Reddit post that I'm happy with. It's about what does Postgres do that MySQL doesn't? It's not comprehensive - just some of the features and issues I've encountered that I tried to pour out into that post. I tried to give MySQL a few props for what they've done better but I had to really , and most of it is just speculation (like, I've HEARD that managing its replication is easier...)

Here it is:

I added a few more bullet points in the subsequent comment, as well:

SQL here != SQL there.

Can we please stop thinking some SQL command you used on database server x is universal? As you may be aware, I love answering questions on reddit, r/sql, to help people out with their SQL questions. But unfortunately I'm constantly finding myself having to ask, "Which database are you using?" as well as correcting others who suggest solutions that only work on a different database than what the person having the problem is using. This is because people think SQL works the same everywhere, I guess. 

There are extensions to SQL on all the major database systems. None of them implements every feature in all of the SQL specs. Even if they did, the SQL specs have many optional features. So for one feature, it might say, "This feature works like THIS, but OPTIONALLY it works like THAT." So even if we had two SQL databases that fully implement SQL (we don't), they could vary in behavior.

This morning I was frustrated by getting downvoted when correcting a commenter who gave a MS SQL Server-specific solution to a poster who didn't even say he's on MS SQL Server! 

So I made this meme to vent my frustrations.

SQL here != SQL there.